Mysterious Yaku Japan cedar
The ecology of the Yaku Japan cedar called the age of a tree several
thousand year is very mysterious.
The age of a tree says the Yaku Japan cedar the one for 1000 years or
more to have passed usually.
The big tree is especially called by the name, and the Japan cedar of
the Jomon Japan cedar and the era etc. are trees that represent
Yakushima Island.
(The age of a tree following of 1000 are called "Kosugi". )
It is called the forest of the Japan cedar and lives in above sea
level about 1000m in herds. This Yaku Japan cedar is the kind of
quite same as the Japan cedar seen in various parts of Japan.
However, does the longevity of a general Japan cedar last and why
does the longevity of the Yaku Japan cedar last several thousand
years though about 800 years?As for the annual ring of the Yaku Japan
cedar, when the stump etc. are seen, there are very eyes in detail,
and the slowness of growth is understood well though various factors
are thought.
Because YAKUSHIMA is an island that can have been done by granite's
upheaving, it is not so suitable basically originally as the
environment where the plant grows up. The upheaval of about 1cm a
year is still confirmed by that token.
Then, why does the Yaku Japan cedar live for thousands of years?
Black Current where YAKUSHIMA is surrounded. It is warmed right under
the equator and the normal temperature is ..20 degree.. ..reaching...
It becomes steam, and the warmed tide is running on the slope of
YAKUSHIMA, and ..buckets of rain.. pours down.
The annual rainfall does in the top of a mountain and 100
millionmilli is a reason also for the plain said that reaches 4000
milli, and it rains in YAKUSHIMA on the 35th month.
An innumerable moss grows everywhere on the island, and it is said
the several 600 kinds and boasts of the top of Japan.

utsukusihanegoke shiragagoke

hinokigoke himurogoke
Rain in which a large amount of mosses pour down is formed and the
soil of the content Yaku Japan cedar is formed.
The moss that surrounds it to granite is a source of the life of all
the plants.
Moreover, the moss that surrounds it to the Japan cedar not only is
prevented wind and rain but also defends the Japan cedar from
miscellaneous germs and exists.
As for granite, the nutrient is a little, and the growth of the Japan
cedar is late compared with other regions. Then, annual ring width
becomes exact and the material becomes hard. The resin said to about
six times a usual Japan cedar by becoming it so in the resin canal
collects. It is antisepsis in this resin.
・Immortality keeps growing it in the Yaku Japan cedar between the
long tract of yearss because there are an anti-bacterium and an
effect of insecticide.
Moreover, it has characteristics of hard, antisepsis, an anti-
bacterium, and insecticide, etc.
The Yaku Japan cedar was valued highly from of old, and there was an
age when Hiraki of the Yaku Japan cedar had become a currency as it
was, too.
There might be some relations in the age of a tree up to the island
in east Asia before because it remains as vertical distribution by
splendor though the sunshiny leaf forest where the role that brought
up the culture had been played was exterminated in other regions, too.
The Yaku Japan cedar that survived such an environment keeps living
still in the representative at intervals the big tree that exceeds 700
0 age of a tree year such as Jomon Japan cedars.
Relations of Yaku Japan cedar and forestry
Kosugi Tanimura is opening in 1923 as the deforestation base of
modern forestry.
It crowded with the person related to forestry by 1970 when the
deforestation plan of the surrounding ended.
People who exceeded 500 people lived in 1955's, and 150 students were
learning to elementary and junior high schools.
Kosugi Tanimura ended a short history of 50 years with the end of the
deforestation plan.
The tree that represents YAKUSHIMA that remains now reaches in the
age of a tree several thousand year, and the Yaku Japan cedar that
especially exceeds 1000 age of a tree year : because it was not
suitable for Kiz,, and wood.
The one that remains without being deforested is most.
Update on fallen dawn tree
The age of a tree thinks about Kosugi of 1000 years or less, so-
called ecosystems of children of the Yaku Japan cedar,
It rains much, and it is not few in YAKUSHIMA that the tree begins to
sprout from the moss that grows in the tree skin and the rock. It is
possible to meet the entertaining spectacle when observing it well.
There is no place that grows up newly in the woods in Kosugi thickly
blocked etc. because a bright place it doesn't grow up in the Japan
However, if the big tree falls because of the influence such as the
wind and rain of something, the place where the positive is hit can be
The bud comes out when the Japan cedar seed falls on the bright fallen
dawn tree and it grows up. This is called an update on the fallen dawn
tree. The bud newly comes out on the fallen tree and it grows up.
I can feel vitality with a stout small, young bud on the fallen dawn
tree and the stump.
The update on the fallen dawn tree is a mechanism of the strange generation
change developed in a deep forest to exceed.
» Travel plans to Yakushima
This site is a little charm of Yakushima clearly able to introduce a lot of people
running things.
Yakushima and the nature of animals, and wild flowers to blossom in the mind heals.
Please, please be slow.
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